We have programs for all ages! Be sure to check the calendar every month for updates and special programs.
Regular Programs

Baby Time (ages 0-2)
A lap-sit program with stories, songs, and play.

Story Time (ages 3+)
Slightly longer stories, songs, and an age-appropriate activity.

Spanish Programs (separate programs for ages 3-6 & 6-11)
These programs encourage kids to learn Spanish through stories, songs, and movement.

Graphic Novel Book Club (ages 9-12)
A monthly discussion of a graphic novel followed by a related activity. Participants then choose which book to read for the following month.

Fists & Fiends (ages 7+)
Fists & Fiends is a survival horror tabletop RPG developed by local martial artist Randy Brown, owner and coach at Randy Brown Mantis Boxing. Use your martial arts prowess to survive in 1800s China!

Dungeons & Dragons (ages 11+)
Looking for adventure? Join our Dungeons & Dragons club!
Regular programs may change during the summer, so check the Summer Reading page for more info.